17.11.2021 Sam PerrinWhat COP26 is and why it mattersCOP26 has dominated the news. The post-pandemic world has watched as finger-pointing and vague promises have emerged... Ducky
05.07.2021 Sam PerrinIncentives for Change: Expert on individual sustainability effortsAt Ducky, we’re all about empowering the individual in the fight against climate change, by helping them to reduce... Ducky
05.05.2021 Sam PerrinDo wind turbines kill birds? And should we stop building them?While there seems to be a never-ending deluge of pessimism surrounding the climate change debate, there is plenty of... Ducky
07.04.2021 DuckyStadig flere unge sliter med klimaangstGreta Thunberg sluttet å spise og å snakke. Nå viser en ny undersøkelse at stadig flere unge sliter med klimaangst. Ducky
24.02.2021 Molly BazilchukMyter og fakta: Er elbilen egentlig miljøvennlig?Av og til dukker det opp påstander om at elbiler er minst like forurensende som bensin- og dieselbiler. Er elbilen... Ducky