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Gudbrandsdal Energi: Climate heroes in action

Get inspired by Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding, who avoided 8,881 kg of CO₂e during their second round of the Climate Competition.

Climate: A key focus for Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding

Back in 2019, Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding took an important step towards greener operations by creating its first climate report. The following year, they followed up with a materiality analysis, and since then, the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has remained a clear priority – a commitment they continue to uphold.

For them, the climate competition became an effective tool to anchor and simplify their internal work on climate change and their goal of cutting emissions. Their participation in 2022 left them wanting more, and with several new employees onboard over the past year, everything was in place for another round in autumn 2024.

Read more about climate competitions here.

Expectations and preparations for this autumn’s climate competition

Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding AS took part in the climate competition for the second time this autumn. Trainee Guro Witsø Skansberg took the lead in this year’s implementation. “I had fairly high expectations for the competition, as I’d heard a lot about the company’s positive experiences from their previous participation,” she shared.

However, she had one concern: “My biggest worry before starting was the level of engagement, as the company had already participated once before. Even though the experience was positive, I thought it might be challenging to maintain enthusiasm and reach everyone.”

Luckily, it all went very well – thanks to Guro’s solid efforts, there was a great atmosphere and another positive experience. The competition itself is designed to be run multiple times, so at Framtiden i Våre Hender and Ducky, we were quite confident it would work out. Still, Gudbrandsdal Energi isn’t the first company to feel a little anxious about this. That makes it even better when everything goes smoothly.

The image shows part of the tool behind the competition, where participants compete to save the most kilos of CO₂e in their daily lives.

The image shows part of the tool behind the competition, where participants compete to save the most kilos of CO₂e in their daily lives.

Keys to high engagement

While the climate competition by Ducky is a fun way to work on climate anchoring and team-building, like anything else, it’s wise to give it an extra boost! And here, W. Skansberg truly impressed with her efforts, to say the least! For a competition like this to become an amazing team-building experience, one key factor needs to be in place: clear and effective communication. Planning to test a competition in your own company someday? Then, you’ll want to take notes from Guro!

Playful team names

For Guro, organising the competition was relatively straightforward. Employees were divided into teams based on departments and across locations to foster a sense of togetherness. Each team had a team leader, and to make it even more fun, they came up with playful and creative team names. Some examples include Vibecke’s Friendly Windmills, Jarle’s Jovial Planets, and Øyvind’s Outstanding Ecologists.

Clear communication

To get employees involved in the fun, good communication was essential – making sure everyone knew about it. Guro sent out an email to all employees with information about the dates, workshops, and prizes. She also presented the competition and its rules during a company-wide meeting and put up QR codes for easy sign-ups. This made it super simple for employees to join in – and, crucially, to know about it. The result? Almost everyone participated – fantastic!

Kick-off on launch day

But it didn’t stop there! On launch day, all colleagues at Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding AS were invited to a repair workshop! They brought in the local handicraft association, who provided excellent guidance on how to repair their items. Was it bonding? Absolutely! Educational? For sure! Plus, every employee could check off the activity “I repaired something today.” Win-win-win.

All in all, a very positive experience

For the team at Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding AS, the climate competition was once again a very positive experience. Guro shared that it was great to have a shared project to work on and was particularly pleased with how the competition encouraged people to try new things. “Many got the chance to learn new skills, like repairing clothes, or challenge themselves by trying out new dishes in the kitchen,” she explained.

Small actions, big impacts

Cycling to work a few days a week, giving a torn piece of clothing a new life, buying second-hand, lowering indoor temperatures, or eating a little less meat can often feel insignificant when looking at the bigger picture. “What difference does it make what I do?” is something most of us have probably thought – or heard others say.

And here lies the core of why the climate competition by Ducky is so relevant. Not only were the activities spot on for the company’s internal work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but the tool also raised awareness about emissions and each person’s power to make a difference! At Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding, colleagues saw for themselves that every small and big choice they made mattered. Because you don’t need to be a superhero to be a climate hero. The power lies in the small steps. The small steps each of us take every single day.

Together, they saved 8,881 kg of CO₂e in 10 days.

A powerful example of how much individuals can save is right there in the results of a climate competition. In just 10 days, 84 employees at Gudbrandsdal Energi Holding managed to save 8,881 kg of CO₂e. That’s the equivalent of flying between Shanghai and Buenos Aires twice or driving from Nordkapp to Cape Town nearly three times! 

Impact climate competition EN

Each company receives detailed climate data after completing the challenge, which can be used in ESG reports or shared with leaders to highlight their climate efforts. For sustainability managers, this offers a double win: more climate-conscious colleagues and valuable data for reporting!

New climate goals on the horizon

GE Holding is currently in the process of updating its climate and sustainability goals, working through a double materiality analysis as part of their journey towards sustainability reporting in 2026. The climate will likely remain a key topic for systematic efforts moving forward, and the Ducky Challenge licence allows them to use the tool throughout the year – adapting the competition themes to suit their own needs.

Encouraging others to join

Guro is clear about the value of the challenge and encourages other companies working to reduce their emissions to give the climate competition by Ducky a try:

We would recommend other companies to participate because it’s a low-threshold competition that still has a big impact. It provides a clear picture of what individuals are doing well for the climate while also showing the small steps they can take to make a difference. The challenge is also a great tool for strengthening company culture and increasing the focus on sustainability.” she concludes. 

Do you want to run a climate competition with your company? 

👉🏼 Learn more about climate competitions and get in touch here. 

About Sofie Bjørkøy

Marketer & customer advisor